Jesabelle My Axis Star*CZ

Grand International Champion

The  Best  Adult  Maine  Coon  Female
on  Special Maine Coon Show, March 2008

16 x EX 1,  7 x BIV,  5 x Nom BIS, 1 x BIS Young

Birth date: 14th November 2006
Color:  red  solid  w/white  ( MCO d 09)


       Jesabelle or Jessi. First time I saw her photo when she was only 10 days old :) She charmed me and 5 weeks later I went to visit her. Now, after another 8 weeks we are together. For a time being Jessi is 100% kitten... What does it mean ? It means that she loves to play :in strange places and with strange objects which are not necessarily toys, too :) Sensibly and carefully she gets to know new places, new objects and our guests but the most important thing is that she has friendly and loving character. Loud purring is her distinctive sign ! She is a proportionaly built young lady with typical "Maine Coon look". She has very attractive pedigree.

We thank Valentine for this sweet little treasure !


Arina Aldimari*PL

Europa Champion

Color: blue silver classic tabby (MCO as 22)

10. 02. 1999  -  18. 10. 2009

Good bye my love ...



   Arina - she was a big girl, strongly built with a beautiful head. She was the apple of our eye. Realising that she was loved so much, she knows how to take advantage of this :) She had a magnificent noble character, like in the case of a real lady. She does not like to dominate and makes contact easily. Among her ways of communicating are eye blinking and body posture - we understand each other very well. She looked at her funniest when she was waiting in the kitchen for her favourite meat while it was defrosting. Then she was lies on the kitchen table with her head leaning down towards the sink, waited patiently... Her patience had to an end though and then she was content with her dry cat food. Arinka, like the other of our cats, taked an active part in our everyday life. When the night was approaching, it  was  like a ritual :) As we get ready to go to sleep in the evening, our cats are with us, but she was the one who always waited until I actually am in bed. Then she was lies on me, treading with her paws, purring and... she was lulls me to sleep :) I had special contact with her and we miss her so much... We will never forget you...




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